Allan Karl Interview and FORKS Book Review

Joy is in the eye of the beholder. Every day there is an opportunity to experience some type of joy or happiness, but we need to seek it out rather than just wait for it to come our way. Books are an excellent way to find that joy each day.  I just finished up a dandy that I wanted to share my thoughts on because I feel like everyone could get their own dose of happiness out of it! The book is called FORKS: A Quest for Culture, Cuisine, and Connection.  

It is by Allan Karl (who I interviewed on my podcast if you want to hear a great chat with him you can listen HERE!)

Allan Karl has had a few hot dog stands in his life but he always had a dream of taking his motorcycle out on the road and riding around the world.  He did just that and this book is his account!

One Motorcycle.  Three Years.  Five Continents.

You may think it’s all about adventure and travel; which it has its share as he rides from Alaska to Honduras to Patagonia over to Turkey, Kenya, and Botswana! He journeyed to 35 countries in all.  But it’s much more.  The book hit home with me not only because of the adventure story but the most beautiful photography in any book I have ever owned.

All photographed by Allan or people along his journey that he met.  

The other incredible part is the food!  This is part cook book with incredible recipes of food he tasted with friends that he made along the ride.

The biggest takeaway is that we are all oh so different but just the same.  We all yearn for friendship, companionship, and relationships.  Allan’s book is about stretching yourself to achieve your dreams, to see the world in a little different light than you are used to, and to understand the lifeblood of this planet comes down to the relationships that we are willing to forge each and every day with all types of people.

It’s an incredible read and I highly suggest you grab a copy on his website or on Amazon!

I’ve gotten to know Allan over the past year and he is a kind, caring, and open person and all he wants to do is spread the good vibes this book sends out.

If you don’t want to just take my word for it he was on Good Morning America Memorial Day Weekend, fit in my podcast between interviews with Forbes and Newsweek and his goal is to have this book hit #1 on the Amazon categories list it is under.

Grab a copy, have some friends over, read a chapter together, get your FORKS out and make one of the great meals while you marvel at the photography of the coolest coffee table book since Kramer’s release in Seinfeld! (And listen to the podcast I did with him while you cook!)

I’ll leave my review with what Allan says to open the book:

“There are no strangers in this world, only friends you haven’t met.”

Thanks for reading everyone!  Sign up for my newsletter in the footer for free meditations, recipe guides, and more.

To Your Health
